Date and Time: 17 January 2025, 2:05pm
Location: MPIM Lecture Hall
Speaker: Peter Dillery (University of Maryland)
Title: Non-basic rigid packets for discrete L-parameters
Abstract: We formulate a new version of the local Langlands correspondence for discrete L-parameters which involves (Weyl orbits of) packets of representations of all twisted Levi subgroups of a connected reductive group G through which a given parameter factors and prove that this version of the correspondence is true if one assumes the pre-existing local Langlands conjectures. Twisted Levi subgroups are crucial objects in the study of supercuspidal representations; this work is a step towards deepening the relationship between the representation theory of p-adic groups and the Langlands correspondence. This talk will also serve as a rough introduction to the refined local Langlands correspondence (and its generalizations). This is joint work with David Schwein.
Location: MPIM Lecture Hall
Speaker: Peter Dillery (University of Maryland)
Title: Non-basic rigid packets for discrete L-parameters
Abstract: We formulate a new version of the local Langlands correspondence for discrete L-parameters which involves (Weyl orbits of) packets of representations of all twisted Levi subgroups of a connected reductive group G through which a given parameter factors and prove that this version of the correspondence is true if one assumes the pre-existing local Langlands conjectures. Twisted Levi subgroups are crucial objects in the study of supercuspidal representations; this work is a step towards deepening the relationship between the representation theory of p-adic groups and the Langlands correspondence. This talk will also serve as a rough introduction to the refined local Langlands correspondence (and its generalizations). This is joint work with David Schwein.
Daniel Huybrechts zum Mitglied der Leopoldina gewählt
Catharina Stroppel erhält Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Uppsala
Ausschreibung: "Hausdorff Chair", Bewerbungsfrist: 15. März 2025
Angkana Rüland erhält Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2025
Wolfgang Lück erhält den von Staudt-Preis
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Geordie Williamson erhält den Max-Planck-Humboldt Forschungspreis 2024
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EMS-Preis 2024 für Jessica Fintzen
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Catharina Stroppel erhält Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2023