Bonn Topology Group - Abstracts
General Information - Members - Activities - Topology Seminar
May 12th 2020
Manuel Krannich (University of Cambridge, UK): The pseudo-isotopy stable range
By the s-cobordism theorem, isomorphism classes of h-cobordisms on a
high-dimensional d-manifold M are in canonical bijection with a certain quotient of
the first algebraic K-theory group of the integral group ring of π₁M—the
Whitehead group. This has a parametrised refinement: work of Waldhausen provides a
canonical map τ_M : H(M) → ΩWh(M) from the moduli space of h-cobordisms to a
certain “quotient“ of the once looped algebraic K-theory spectrum of the
spherical group ring of ΩM—the Whitehead spectrum.
From this point of view, the s-cobordism theorem says that τ_M is a bijection on
components, so one might ask to which extent this generalises to the parametrised
setting, i.e. how connected τ_M is. Combining the stable parametrised h-cobordism
theorem with work of Igusa, it has been known for some time that τ_M is at least
d/3-connected, but the optimal connectivity range remained subject to speculation,
even up to a constant.
In this talk, I will explain a new perspective on this question and survey recent
progress resulting from works of Kupers, Randal-Williams, and myself (in various
combinations and partly ongoing).
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